The First Steps to learning Arabic for a beginner
Congratulations! You’ve decided to learn Arabic. This is challenging but rewarding journey. Arabic is the sixth most spoken language in the world with nearly 275 million people speaking it all around the world. Learning a new language is always a big task, and when the new language doesn’t share root with your native tongues, it’s even more difficult.
With any new language, the keys to success in becoming fluent are learning the vocabulary, verb conjugation, grammar, sentence structure, and then practice, practice, practice. Immerse yourself in the new language. Watch videos and listen to podcasts in it, try speaking it as often and as well as you can, and seek out native speakers and converse with them. Before long, you’ll have an understanding and be fluent to some extent in the new language.
Or at least that’s the idea. However, Arabic can present some challenges that can slow the learning process down. Thankfully, there are steps that anyone can take to make learning spoken Arabic easier. It takes hard work, dedication and time, but it’s certainly achievable.
Step 1: Decide which form of Arabic you want to learn
There are two main types of Arabic new students should consider. One is Quranic Arabic, and the other is Modern Standard Arabic. If you want to learn how to read and write in Arabic, then you should learn Quranic Arabic. But if you want to learn how to speak and converse in Arabic then learn spoken Arabic.
Step 2: Learn to use the Arabic dictionary
This task is not as easy as it sounds. In an Arabic dictionary, words are generally organized around three-letter roots. To look up a word, you need to know what the root is and what letter the root starts with – which is not necessarily the first letter of the word you might be looking for. Using the dictionary takes practice, but the sooner you learn it the better, it will make the entire process easier and more enjoyable. You can also use a Visual Bilingual Dictionary to expand your vocabulary using pictures.
Step 3: Immerse yourself in study and practice
This is a critical step in learning any new language, and Arabic is no exception. The best way to learn new words is to see them, hear them, write them and speak them. So, combine these activities as much as you can.
One way for beginners to practice a foreign language is to watch children’s tv programs in that language. The vocabulary is simpler, and the educational nature of those programs can be extremely helpful to new students of any age. As you gain proficiency, another tactic is to watch documentaries or movies in that foreign language with English subtitles on. That way you gain a better “ear” for listening, and the subtitles give you the translation for what you are hearing. Eventually, you’ll be able to switch off the subtitles and still understand what is being said.
Step 4: Speak the language
Seeing and hearing isn’t enough because its critical that you converse in Arabic with other people. It can be difficult to find a conversational partner if you don’t know any native Arabic speakers. Thankfully, modern technology can do a lot to solve that problem.
There are many groups for students of Arabic online, and it’s a lot easier to find tutors who will coach and help you in your studies. In fact, if someone enrolls in our SAFT course they get months of support which is focused on practicing to speak the language. Take advantage of these resources. The more you practice, the faster you will learn.
Step 5: Never Stop Learning
These steps are just the beginning. Its easy to begin the journey of learning Arabic but challenging to see it though till the end. Mastering the language will require years of study but gaining conversational skills can come quickly if you dedicate yourself.
Ready to dip your toes in the water? Try out our free Arabic course. We’ll be glad to help you take you first steps so you can learn to speak Arabic. In addition, you can check out our courses and choose the best plan for you to start learning right away!
And good luck! Or as you will be saying after learning the language, bit-tawfiq!